"Part-Time Job" - The Over My Dead Body! Mystery Magazine - July 2013
"Hanging Weight" - The Over My Dead Body! Mystery Magazine - June 2013
"Good Dreams Can't Last for Long" - The Missing Slate - May 2013
"A Day in the Life of an Endless Night Spent Under Dangerworld in the Time After the Cataclysm" - Roar & Thunder - May 2013
"Skulking After" - The Glass Coin - May 2013
"Hearing Voices" - Bewildering Stories - Issue 515 - February 2013
"Running Out of Wax" - Rose Red Review - January 2013
"Object" - Garbled Transmission - December 2012
"A View of the Park" - Roadside Fiction - October 2012
"Whalesong" - Inkspill Magazine - October 2012
"Seeing the World for Pennies a Day" - Epiphany Magazine - October 2012
Troy, excellent writing..I enjoyed Whalesong..you are quite talented. Best of luck.